Walking the walk and talking the talk

17th April, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

I’m gonna be very open, several months ago my parents told me that they were planning to go to Israel for Passover, especially since my relatives in the Gush had invited them, which would mean my parents really wouldn’t have to do much for the holiday. My relatives were really excited for them to come. However, then my parents decided that since my brother wouldn’t be able to come, they would stay in New York and, essentially, make Passover for him. Things like this happen a lot around and over Passover. We say “Next year in Jerusalem” but most of the people who say it, don’t really mean it. They either don’t really care about going to Israel or love Israel but don’t take many actions to make it happen. This really frustrates me.

Perhaps it isn’t fair of me though. I haven’t posted an updated on here in a while about the 28 list and what I’ve been up to. I’ve been busy with work and trying to incorporate the 28 whenever possible. I have not been walking the walk completely though. First, I didn’t do a monthly hike last month or go to a non-Anglo community. I can say that both were planned but due to reasons out of my control it didn’t work out, but what it really comes down to is that I didn’t try hard enough. I didn’t really care. Instead however I stuck around Tel Aviv and spent a nice Shabbat with the roommate and friends and started catching up with one friend who I hadn’t really hung out with properly since last year.

This month, in particularly, the past 10 days, I haven’t done several things. The first is, I was visiting my relatives in the Gush for Shabbat and didn’t make it to the candle station in time to light candles. It was very upsetting and make me think about things like what it really means when Shabbat candles are lit and how I still had finished preparing for Shabbat before that time anyway. And it was a really nice Shabbat. We went on a lovely tiyul around the kibbutz and I spent quality time with their daughter who is a few years older than me and her children. Before going to the Gush for Shabbat, I went to the Kotel on Friday morning with Davina. It was really nice going there with a friend.

This past week, I was busy with work, packing, cleaning for Pesach, and traveling to the States for the chag. My last day in Israel and my first day in the States I didn’t read a book. It was the first days I hadn’t read a book for at least 10 minutes since at least December. I also wasn’t good with the habits I’ve been trying to create. I do care though. And am trying to make more of an effort.

Posted on: April 17, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized

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