
18th December, 2010 - Posted by admin - 5 Comments

About 28 by 28 (or “My second aliyah”)

In January 2011 I will turn 27. I’ve made a list of 28 goals and things that I want to do during my 28th year before I turn 28 in January 2012. At the request of several friends I have decided to chronicle this experience in the form of this blog. Here I will provide updates on these goals and my various thoughts and insights related to them.

While I won’t finalize the list and make it official until closer to my birthday below Below is the tentative official list. Some will be recurring and others one time, some will be easier to do than others and some will be revealed later on due to their sensitive nature.

Feel free to enjoy the blog, comment on it, and, even better, participate  in it!

  1. Find a chavruta
  2. Find a rabbi
  3. Travel to Greece
  4. Do something new every Friday
  5. Do one thing that makes me happy every day
  6. Volunteer once a month
  7. Try skeleton
  8. Smile more
  9. Call at least one friend to say hi everyday (except Saturday)
  10. Go hiking once a month
  11. Go to the kotel once a month
  12. Read a book for at least 10 minutes every day
  13. Learn how to bake challah
  14. Travel to China
  15. Go to business school
  16. Write a novel
  17. Learn Hebrew
  18. Fall in love
  19. Learn the dance to a Madonna or Britney Spears song
  20. Plant a tree
  21. Join an improv group
  22. Break a habit once a month
  23. Get a weekly basketball game going
  24. Jog at least once a week
  25. Visit a different non-anglo community in Israel for Shabbat once a month
  26. To be revealed at a later date
  27. To be revealed at a later date
  28. Light Shabbat candles every week

*There is no specific order to this list.
**This is the final list.